Looking back from the road

It has been more than a year since I’ve shared a few projects online. I can’t complain that I’ve been to busy to keep up-to-date!
It has been a truly exciting season for ShowStages collective, as we are preparing to open our third show of the year here in Regina very shortly. Category E and Bears opened in Edmonton this April & February respectively.
In partnership with Invert 720 Productions, I’ve had the chance to get involved in some great projection mapping projects in the last few months, as well as gain further experience with the Christie/Vista Spyder X20 video processor.
Some projects illustrated in the photos below include training on the Christie/Vista Spyder in Phoenix, projection mapping Fountain Tire/Invert 720, setup for the Convergence summit in Banff, and eTextile construction.
I’m looking forward to another year of diverse and exciting projects. Stay tuned to ShowStages.com and JoelAdria.com for photos and media.