Whiteboard of the Week – 22
What is this? Another Skully Whiteboard! Ok, normally I would be appalled by this outrageous whiteboard-reality mishmash, but I will accept it because it prominently features the awesome jole.ca banner with without my phone number on it!
I believe the majority of the inspiration for this ‘board is the Ferrari hat Simon found in my closet (and consequently STOLE FROM ME) as well as the gigantic Ferrari history book I found for $10 at the Winnipeg Indigo. I still need to get around to reading that thing… Clearly the rockhorse is jamming out in celebration, in a lovely Italian countryside.
By the time this is posted by WordPress, I’ll be pretty far out in the boonies, but fear not, the blogging will continue as much as I can during my camping/roadtrip adventures. Be sure to follow the Twitter account for the latest!